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Enlivening Sports

The school takes special care of physical health, games and sports activities by providing the required infrastructural facilities and coaches for outdoor games like badminton, basketball, cricket and indoor games like chess, carom, table-tennis etc.

At SMPS Haridwar, we encourage each and every child to participate in inter school competition for various sports activities.

The outdoor play area is designed with naturalized plants, trees, flowers, water, sand and also with a wide variety of play opportunities from slides, monkeybars and stairs to see-saw. For the children of the pre-primary section, a well planned and safe play area ensures that the children get the physical exercise they need and keep them well occupied and help them stretch those growing muscles.

Our comprehensive sports arena encourage all senior boys and girls participation in various outdoor activities fostering team spirit, loyalty, life skills, reliability and dedication among the students which is essential components of the learning process.